We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Kellen was waiting for brunch, good thing there was a wrap around porch to play on :)

My mom, my Grandma Jeane, Kellen and Me :) I feel like this is a picture I will look back on later in life and smile really BIG.

walking to the car with Grandma

running laps with Uncle Dann

Kellen with his Great Grandma Jeane and Grandma

Kellen was checking out Grandma Jeane's new kicks. I think he liked them :)

Looking at Grandma Jeane's tulips, so pretty.

Kellen has a new favorite activity, speed walking uo and down the sidewalk. Here he is mid workout with Grandma's Mother's Day balloon.

Swinging with Momma :)

High Five
I had a FANTASTIC Mother's Day!!!! Austin was on-call on Sunday so he and Kellen took me out for dinner on Saturday night after church. It was a great early Mother's Day treat to not make dinner :) On Sunday, Kellen and I were fortunate enough to spend the day with my own Mom and Grandma Jeane. It was perfect. I took many time-outs that day to reflect on how blessed I am to be Kellen's momma. He is the perfect gift that keeps on giving :)

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