We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First Zoo trip of the season

Take me to the giraffes cousin Joy

I think the playground was Kellen's favorite part :)

Ty is super speedy on the slide
what's happening out there

Peek-a-boo with Caya

walking around the playground with Caya

taking a quick peek at the lions
Taking a closer look at the Rhino
Telling cousin Joy he wanted to go down the slide

solo cruiser, who needs momma

Whoa, that's a BIG tiger

Ty is checking out the otters
The weather was a smokin 78 degrees today. It was a perfect day to hit up the Madison zoo. My cousin's Joy was there with her son Ty and his class from school.

1 comment:

  1. we were there too! You didn't see me with my gigantic double stroller that took up half the walk way?? :o) Let me know when you go to the zoo again--we'd love to hang out!
