We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Communication Boom

Kellen is on a communication boom. All of a sudden he is whipping out new words and signs that we did not know he had in his bag of tricks. His new signs this week are banana, dog, and juice. He has begun using the phrase "what's this?" He points at everything with his cute little finger and asks "what's this?" On Monday night he unexpectedly stood in front of the refrigerator and said the word juice and did the correct sign. Once we gave him the juice he walked around the house with it like it was a coveted trophy. In the last few weeks he has added these words to his increasing list; Papa, baa (for sheep), meow (for cat) and others that I am forgetting right now. Kellen is also following some simple directions. Ex: "give the toy to Charlie" or "give daddy a kiss goodnight." This stage of development is AWESOME!!!!!

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