We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Costume Box

 Sibling love!  We will continue to work on the lap pictures.
 She looks like such a big girl in her Bumbo chair.  She likes to sit in the chair and watch her Big Brother play with his train table.
 She has recently gotten very interested in her toys.  She will put them in her mouth or rub them with her palms and fingers.
 Kellen wanted to give Ellie a ride on his shoulders.  He loves to be on daddy's shoulders and wanted to try it with his sister.
The costume box IS OUT!!!!  Kellen and I had quite a few laughs digging in our Hallowwen costume box.  His favorites were the wigs.

This is our favorite of the wig photos.  She looks so cute and funny.

Kellen was behind the lens.
Ellie in her froggy costume.
Mommy's little shark man and froggy.

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