We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Apple Orchard

Aunt Lexy and Uncle Mason joined us for our first trip to the orchard this season.  We love walking up and down the rows searching for the perfect apples.  We were glad we had tall Uncle Mason and daddy with us so we could reach the high ones on the tops of the trees.
 Kellen needed a little help pulling the wagon up the hill, thanks Aunt Lexy.
 This looks like a good one :)

 Thanks for the lift Uncle Mason

 Kellen is such a rebel, he ventured past the caution tape. OOOOPS
 Miss Ellie Rae slept the whole time :)
 Annual family picture by the big apple
Holy smokes this kid is getting tall !!!

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