We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Keeping K-man Busy

 Our little Kellen has decided to stop napping.  We were hoping for a few more months/years of the sweet 2-3 hour afternoon snooze.  I have been missing my ubber productive afternoon time slot.  With the newly extra hours of our afternoon I often find myself pulling out all the stops to keep Kellen engaged and busy.  We spend lots of time outside. Here he is filling his pool with Charlie while Ellie watches.

 Kellen and I made "Goop." It is a fun sensory experiment using cornstarch and water.
 He loves to get messy!
 Taking a break on a rainy day to watch 'Finding Nemo.'  I love how Charlie likes to by right next to the kiddos.
 Kellen is taking his animals for a walk through the cloud dough(baby oil and flour).
Ellie and I were hanging out in the backyard watching Kellen play in his clubhouse.

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