We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

4 weeks old

We can't believe our little sweetie is 4 weeks old already. Miss Ellie Rae continues to be an amazingly easy going baby. She is fantastic!!! We feel so lucky. She seems to be growing bigger and had become more alert. When awake she has begun visually expecting her surroundings. Big brother Kellen is having a little delayed reaction to our new addition. He has been having trouble sleeping. He comes out of his room frequently after we lay him down and also wakes during the night and wants to climb into mommy and daddys bed. Obviously this is NOT ideal. We are hoping that he just needs a little time to adjust to the changes. Austin also switched from a research rotation (lots of time at home) to a more demanding rotation. We think Kellen may be missing daddy too.

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