We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


 Here we are at the Helicopter Easter Egg Drop in Minnesota.  This was sooooooo cool. A helicopter came through and dropped 10,000 eggs onto 4 fields that were already covered with Easter Eggs. Kellen and Opa were ready to hit the field once the ropes were cut.  Kellen now thinks that all helicopters drop Easter Eggs.
 The helicopter has been spotted!!!
 Collecting some loot!

 Crow Family Photo
 Sharing some Easter love with Baby Marin :)
 Watch Out Windows.......you are no longer safe!
 Kellen was looking for eggs in Gramma and Papa's yard.  There were so many hidden , we are still wondering if they have all been found :)
Sampling his treasure.

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