We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Baby Update

Kellen's sign says that his baby sister has been cooking for 33.5 weeks now.  We had an ultrasound on Monday and everything looks great.  She appeared to have some chubby cheeks just like her Big Brother.  We have the kiddos room all set up and are finishing up other odds and ends in preparation.  Kellen has been sleeping in a Big Boy bed for two weeks now.  It has been going great, I can't believe what a big boy he is.   His morning wake-up call is the most precious thing ever.  He quietly gets out of his bed and creeps into our bedroom.  He usually hangs out on the side of our bed with his elbows on the mattress and his chin resting in his hands until we wake up.  This past weekend mommy woke up to Kellen at his usual perch spot but instead of resting his chin on his hands waiting for me to realize he is there I wake to find him playing a game on the Ipad.  I had set it on the floor next to our bed the night before after sometime bedtime reading.  He just turned two and he knows how to turn on the Ipad and locate his favorite transportation identifying game. It was absolutely hysterical!!!!


 Here we are at the Helicopter Easter Egg Drop in Minnesota.  This was sooooooo cool. A helicopter came through and dropped 10,000 eggs onto 4 fields that were already covered with Easter Eggs. Kellen and Opa were ready to hit the field once the ropes were cut.  Kellen now thinks that all helicopters drop Easter Eggs.
 The helicopter has been spotted!!!
 Collecting some loot!

 Crow Family Photo
 Sharing some Easter love with Baby Marin :)
 Watch Out Windows.......you are no longer safe!
 Kellen was looking for eggs in Gramma and Papa's yard.  There were so many hidden , we are still wondering if they have all been found :)
Sampling his treasure.

Little Gym Graduation

 It was graduation day at The Little Gym.  Gamma, mommy and daddy came to watch Kellen show-off all of the things he learned this semester.

 When we first started he could barely hold onto the bars, what an awesome improvement!

 Receiving his participation ribbon.

Someone turns TWO

 Kellen was a very busy birthday boy.  The first few pictures are of Kellen at his "buddies" birthday party.  We decided to join forces with his best little pal and have a joint second birthday party for Kellen and Harrison and all of their little toddler friends.  We rented out a gym and had a blast.  All that were involved slept very very very well that night :)

 "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Kellen and Harrison. Happy Birthday to you!"

 We celebrated at our house on the actual day of Kellen's birthday party.  Just a little post dinner party :)

 Kellen makes one mean red velvet cupcake!
 Checking out his first tattoo.  By the end of the party he looked like he was wearing "under the sea" shirt sleeves.
 A little cousin time with the cutie patootie Miss Marin.

 Checking out his cake.........happy!
 Realizing that everyone (about 30 people) are all staring at him singing "Happy Birthday"......NOT happy!
 Here is Kellen at his big party at Gamma and Papa's house.  Many fmaily members joined us to ring in this little buddies 2nd year of life.  Whew, time flies when you are having fun.  Ever since our Sand Diego trip Kellen has been obsessed with dolphins and shamu.  Austin and I decided to tap into our creative sides and make Kellen a shamu cake.  It took a while but we were pretty proud of the results.  *Note, homemade black icing stains the hands pretty badly :)*

Overdue Photo

An update on the baby is VERY overdue!!!  Here is a picture of Kellen and I at 21 weeks.  This would have been taken back in January right after we found out Kellen would have a sweet little sister.  I must admit I was pretty surprised at the ultrasound.  I definitely thought I was having another boy, I even asked the tech to double check.  I am so excited to be blessed with both a little boy and a little girl.  Austin and I often talk about how blessed we are.  Three years ago I didn't think this would ever be MY life.  We prayed for one baby constantly and soon we will have two :) 

Mustache Brothers

Whenever Austin is on the trauma rotation at the hospital he grows a mustache.  I am not sure exactly what it symbolizes but it seems to be pretty popular with his co-workers.  We thought it would be funny for the buddies to be matching.  Kellen looks like Mario from Super Mario Brothers :)

Indoor Fun

 With the cold weather we found ourselves being pretty creative with our indoor activities. Here is a list of some of our favorites......
-decorating the inside of a large cardboard Mater (Cars movie)
-going on pretend grocery trips, after a while Kellen starting telling us he worked at the grocery store
-PAINTING-fingers, brushes, sponges, using trucks and animals for tracks and paw prints
-blowing up gloves that daddy would bring home from work and rubber banding them to our wrists
-making forts with couch cushions and blankets
-watching discovery channel specials on animals, trains or airplanes
-blowing colored bubbles at the kitchen table using big baking dishes and straws
-baking (pregnant mommy really liked this activity)

Lexy's Wedding

 Lexy and Cole were married in the middle of February. It was a beautiful day for a beautiful bride.  The wedding was perfect and Kellen definitely behaved himself.  Kellen wore dress shoes with squeakers in them to the reception.  I must admit that they were a tiny bit annoying on the ears but what an excellent way to keep track of a toddler in a room filled with people.

 I am pretty sure Kellen ate both mommy and daddy's desserts!
 He hit his zonked out point around 9:30.  Don't worry, he was able to muster up a second wind for a dollar dance with the bride :)

Choo Choo

We took a trip on the North Freedom Snow Train in February.  Kellen was a little nervous when the LOUD train first pulled up, he quickly relaxed and began enjoying himself.  This kid LOVES trains!  It was really fun to watch the experience through his little eyes.  We will definitely take advantage of this fun opportunity again next year.  Maybe by that time he will be able to blow hard enough into his train whistle so it makes noise :)