We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Wilderness Weekend!

Taking a breather with Daddy after a long day of splashing in the water park!

Playing in the indoor play area with mommy. Kellen really liked crawling through the tunnels and sliding down the little slide.

Getting some kisses from Daddy :)

3-D Pirate mini golf!
The really sad part was that I golfed my best game of putt-putt to date. Apparently the 3-D glasses and restrictive backpack were just what I needed :)

Feeling good in his shades.

We're glad we brought the Ergo carrier. This hotel/resort was HUGE. I got lost multiple times :(

Crawling around in the little kiddos section

Grandma and Papa stopped by the Wilderness our first night. They took a quick dip in the water park and then they took Kellen home with them for bedtime. Austin and I celebrated the completion of his trauma service with kiddo free drinks and dinner :)

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