We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Building a snowman with daddy at Oma and Opa's

Having fun at Oma and Opa's house

Playing with my new train table from Gamma and Papa. It took mommy and daddy 4 hours to put together.

Helping Aunt tootie open her big present.

He was up VERY early at Gamma and Papa's house, he needed a break.

Hmmmm, what could be in here?

WHAT???? My truck came with a baby in the back!

Checking out the new transportation stamps with Daddy.

Christmas Eve morning at our house :)

Kellen has a great 2nd Christmas. He is such a lucky duck. He was able to spend time with so many family members. Daddy was off for three days...YIPPEE! It was nice to all be together. We visited Mama Jeane's, Gamma and Papa's and Oma and Opa's house. Whew, it was a lot of traveling but very very very worth it.

Little Gym

Getting his stamps at the end of class
Kellen has been taking a class at the Little Gym for the past 18 weeks. He loves going to the gym. His gross motor development has really taking off. When we first began Kellen was not strong enough to hang from the bar by himself. Now he is swinging around like a little monkey. It is a nice time for Kellen to be around kiddos his own age, he laughs with them and mimics their actions. It is also a special time for Kellen to be with mommy and daddy too :)


Kellen made a special announcement over Thanksgiving.........He is going to be a BIG brother. Kellen has a sweet baby sister due June 8th.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


You would have thought Kellen was in a world filled with snow cones, he could not resist the fluffy white snow. Luckily the snow was fresh :)