We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bike Trailer

I am pretty pumped about the Crow families new Burley bike trailer. I have been wanting one badly. I am not sure if Kellen will be ready for a bike ride this summer/fall. No worries, we will be ready to hit the trails come Spring!

The war has begun!!!

Playing around during the Vikings game on Sunday!
Obviously he is very happy wearing this Chicago Bears bib from Papa! During our dinner conversation I shared with Kellen that his mommy was Jim Harbaugh for Halloween in the 3rd grade.
I must admit, he also looks pretty happy cheering on the Vikes with his daddy!
Vikings or Bears, that is the question?!?! I guess we'll have to wait and see if his blood runs purple or blue and orange. I have a funny feeling he'll side with his daddy on this one.

Fun in the Tub!

Mommy finally figures out that Kellen's bathtub also allows him to sit up supported instead of just laying. He is so active at bath time. He splashes, babbles and plays with bath toys.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Kellen is loving the swings these days. I wonder if we can find some indoor swings once winter hits. :)

Amazing Invention

This thing is amazing! You put a whole piece of fruit in the mesh bag and the baby purees it all by themselves. We're burning through mango's like crazy, Kellen loves it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Visit from Grandma and first haircut!

Grandma Marilyn gave Kellen his first haircut! It looks sooo cute. He no longer has his little toupee.

Grandma Marilyn came to visit Kellen for the weekend while Austin and I went to Kevin and Ami's wedding. It was a perfect weekend. Grandma and Kellen got to spend some quality time together and Austin and I got to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday morning :)

New toy!

Kellen used to lay on his back and look up at all the dangling toys in his ocean scene. Once he started rolling around this toy became a little boring and restricting for rolling. Now that he is an independent sitter this toy is fun once again :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010


We have started going to the library for story time. Kellen loves looking at the other kids and dancing to the songs. We stop at the play area on the way out to burn off some energy. He loves this toy with the beads. I would love to get him one but I don't know what to call it. I could use some help. What is this type of toy called?

Costume Party

Uncle Dann got Kellen this adorable costume before he was born. I had hoped he would wear it for a Halloween costume. Kellen has moved up another clothing size and it's looking doubtful that this will fit by October 31st. I couldn't resist trying it on and snapping a few photos.

The Great Outdoors

We are soaking up every last bit of summer. Kellen and Charlie love time outside. I have already started to hunt for activities to keep us busy during the long winter when going outside is no longer an option :(

First Swing!!

Here's Kellen enjoying his first time in a swing at Lakeview Park. He's a natural! Too bad summer is on its way out. I have a feeling we will be spending lots of time at the park next spring and summer.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Matching Buddies

Good Neighbor Fest

We took a little family walk on Sunday to Middleton's Good Neighbor Fest. It was a Smoking Hot day so we only stayed for a little bit. We saw the nurse who worked with mommy through her pregnancy. She seemed really excited to meet Kellen.

Is it a cup or a bottle?

We gave Kellen a little transition cup last Saturday for the first time. We are just giving it to him at the end of his meal to practice with. He did a great job trying to drink from it. His hands and mouth are in the correct place but we need to work on tilting his head back :)

More fun at Uncle Ted's pool

Maggie and Nick came to visit last weekend. We met a bunch of our family at Uncle Ted's pool for a little fun in the sun :) Kellen is such a little water bug, he loves it.

Kellen and Harrison

I forgot to add this picture earlier. We went to the terrace for Harrison's dad's birthday. We took a picture of the boys in the giant chair :)