We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kellen is 6 weeks old today! He is growing bigger by the second. We look forward to finding out his current weight and height at our next Dr appt. Things could not be going better for us. Kellen is a great sleeper and a VERY good eater. He likes to ride in the car, go for walks and hangout with mom and dad in the Bjorn and Moby wrap. Every single minute we feel blessed that God gave us our family.

A perfect Sunday!

Missy and Katie

Missy and Katie came all the way from St Louis and Kansas City to meet Kellen. It was great to see them. Jessie was sad to see them go.
Missy thought Charlie needed some lovin too!

10 Day old photo shoot

Sunday, April 18, 2010

YEAH, Kellen finally likes the Moby wrap!!!!

Kellen's Baptism

Grandma and Grandpa Crow

Austin's siblings
Jordan, Lexy, and Mason

Aunt Maggie and Aunt Kelsie came to celebrate

Aunt Maggie and Uncle Mason are Kellen's Godparents

Fathers blessing


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Kellen vs. Charlie


Austin gave Kellen his first bottle last week. Kellen shared his thoughts with a hand gesture.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Family Pic

Uncle Dann

Uncle Dann came over to visit with Kellen.

Grandma visits

First underwater bath

Kellen loved the bath! He'll be ready for the lake this summer.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny brought Kellen some cowboy boot socks.

Just relaxing.

Charlie is eager for a playmate

Charlie kept setting his tennis ball by Kellen's hand. I think he was waiting for him to throw it.

Pooper Trooper

Grandpa Tom got this outfit for Kellen right after he was born. It was very fitting on delivery day and every day since.

Mom's camera harrasement continues.......