We are loving the joys of parenthood and are happy to share little tidbits of our life together as a family.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas #2

Christmas # 2 was spent with mommy, daddy, and Charlie on 12/23 before bed.

Christmas Begins

Charlie and Rudi were pooped after a day full of playing.

Given his new sled a feel :)

Christmas # 1 was celebrated at Oma amd Opa's house in Woodbury.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Downtown Macy's

We visited the 8th floor of Macy's in downtown Minneapolis. We took a stroll around the Christmas display and stopped by to meet the Big Man himself :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

Kellen and Charlie love gazing at the Christmas tree. Kellen likes to pull off the ornaments. We put all the fancy ones on the top :)

Christmas shopping with Papa

Grandma and Papa took Kellen Christmas shopping while mommy and daddy went to the UW basketball game. The Build-a-Bear store was his favorite :)

guess who's crawling forward...finally

Kellen has been scooting backwards, and in circles but has failed to move forward..... until last night :) Kellen took his first forward crawls. Austin is absolutely thrilled!

Having fun at Oma and Opa's



We couldn't resist taking Kellen outside for the first BIG snow fall in Middleton. He liked the snow.....until he touched it with his bare finger :)

One Man Band

Kellen found the pots and pans. When mommy is cooking he hangs out in the kitchen playing his instruments :)

Trip to Grandma Jeane's

Lunch conversation with Grandma Jeane

Kisses from UD

Laughing with Joy

We love HUGS!!!